domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

Not the right time

"It was not the right time, I am afraid".

How many times have you heard this expression as a way of explaining some decision or failure?

Probably, many times, and lots of them from yourself. So do I.

For years I have thought about time as one of the main reasons that made some choices unacceptable or even impossible. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Finally I realized that I was using this expression not as an explanation, but as an excuse.

Yes. An excuse created to hide some other reasons that made this decision maybe acceptable but too difficult. Could be fear of doing what I have to do and fail? Or just fear of a change?

But why? Why am I thinking this way?

First of all, because I have understood that I was analysing the wrong topic. Decisions are not about time but about choices. The right choice will be always right. And the wrong one, would simply change but not become right, because we change as well after time, and so do our needs and thoughts.

That's the reason why, when we said "not the right time", we were trying to tell ourselves that the choice was good but we had nothing to do about. It means, we did not want to answer the main question:

Is it the right choice? Is it the right person?

If it is not, don't worry, it is not, it was not and it won't be. Easy. But if it is, do not think about time, because maybe later you could realise that you did destroy the right one, the one that was, but it is not and it won't be. Just because you did not want to accept that it really was.

On the other hand, if it could be the right one, forget about the efforts we will need to make, because happyness is always behind right choices and attempts. Time will be endless if we do not have the answer of this main and simple question.

Please, next time you need to decide, just decide among choices. Time is just time. Today is the perfect day to change your tomorrow.

There is no choice of deciding time, so find always the time to think about the choice.

This way, you could always be proud of what you did, what you do and what you probably will do.

Anyway, we have all heard that trains just pass once, right? (something like "opportunity knocks but once").

Remember, it is the right time!

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